The Effect of Distribution Funds of Zakat Infaq Shadaqah, Social Assistance Expenditure, and Subsidy Expenditure on Poverty in Indonesia

Author : Ade Sofyan Mulazid (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Nurul Mudhiatil Mufliha (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

Abstract : This  study  aims  to  analyze  the  effect  of  the  distribution  funds  of  Zakat  Infaq Shadaqah (ZIS), social  assistance expenditure and subsidy expenditure  on poverty  in Indonesia 2013-2017 period.

The sample from this study consisted of ZIS data obtained at the National Alms Agency (known as BAZNAS). Then social assistance expenditure and subsidy  expenditure and  the  latest poverty data  obtained  at  the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). In this research, the method used multiple linear regression analysis by testing classical assumptions.

The results of this study are according to the results of the F test that the three independent variables (ZIS, social assistance expenditure and subsidy expenditure)  have a simultaneous effect  on  the dependent  variable (poverty) by having a significance value of 0,000, which means less than 0.05.Furthermore, it is supported by the results of the T-test that the three independent variables partially have a  significant  effect  on  the  dependent  variable,  with  a  significance  value  in  the  ZIS variable was 0,000. Then, social assistance expenditure was 0.025.  The last, subsidy expenditure was 0,000. It means lower than 0.05.

Keywords: Zakat Infaq Shadaqah(ZIS), Social Assistance Expenditure, Subsidy Expenditure, Poverty

Journal : I-Economics: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics Volume 5 Issue 1 2019

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