Author : Makhsus (Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang), Ilda Hayati (IAIN Curup), Husnul Fatarib (IAIN Metro Lampung), Desmadi Saharuddin (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
Abstract : Basically, a Muslim does not leave the Muslim community, but with the development of Islam many problems occur. The departure of the Prophet Yusuf from the Muslim community has been described in the Qur’an. He served various maturity processes under the guidance of Allah al-Mighty. The figure of the Prophet Yusuf has been depicted and immortalized as a shadow ruler who officially served as minister of finance, agriculture and head of the logistics affairs agency.
The question arises whether a Muslim can become a non-Muslim leader who will later be neglected and will have a negative impact on the faith and syari’ah carried out by Muslim leaders who control non-Muslim governments. With literature study and content analysis approach, the writer describes the literature qualitatively about the status of Muslims who are in the midst of non-Muslims and vice versa, to dismiss the opinion of good kafirs who are more worthy of being leaders than evil and corrupt Muslims.
A Muslim can become a leader in the midst of non-Muslims for the benefit and preaching of Islam as was done by the Prophet Yusuf A.S, who proved himself clean after leaving prison. The criteria for a leader in Islam are flexible enough that sometimes a Muslim who is not consistent with sharia rules can sometimes bring great benefits to Muslims. Not only that, many Muslim leaders who were very instrumental in protecting Muslims and spreading Islam in Russia such as Berke Khan have deployed infidel armies to protect Muslims from destruction.
Keywords: Muslim Leader, Government, Non-Muslim
Journal : Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies Volume 1 Issue 2 2020