Analysis on the Effect of Location, Brand Image, and Word of Mouth on the Customers’ Decision Process in Choosing Hajj Saving in Sharia Compliant Banking

Author : Siti Sholihah Putri (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Ade Sofyan Mulazid (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Sofyan Rizal (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

Abstract : This research aimed to find out, to analyze, and to explain the effect of location, brand image and word of mouth on the customers’ decision in choosing hajj saving product in sharia-compliant banking in South Jakarta area, either simultaneously or partially.

The result of the research was expected to contribute to sharia-compliant banking in South Jakarta area. The data employed in this study was the primary one, collected using a direct questionnaire with the purposive sampling method. The method of analyzing data used was multiple linear regression.

The result of the research showed that location, brand image, and word of mouth affected both partially and simultaneously the customers’ decision process in choosing hajj saving product in sharia-compliant banking in South Jakarta area.

Keywords—Location, Brand Image, Word of Mouth, Decision Process, Hajj Saving, Sharia-Compliant Banking

Journal : Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research Volume 101

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